Latest Minimum Wages

Min Wages Act 1948

Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is an Indian law that sets the minimum wages that must be paid to workers in industries. It extends to the whole of India. The concept of min wages emerged with reference to the remuneration of workers in those industries where the level of wages was substantially low as compared to the wages for the similar type of labour In other industries. In 1928, The international Labour Conference Of ILO adopted a draft at Geneva Convention on Minimum Wages and required the member countries to bring a machinery to set up min wages for workers in such industries in which no provision for regulation of wages and where wages were exceptionally low. A draft Bill was prepared and discussed at the 7th Session of the Indian Labour Conference in Nov 1945 and min wages bill was introduced in the Central Legislative Assembly on 11 Apr 1946. In 1948 a tripartite committee, known as the ‘Committee on Fair Wages’ was established. The committee’s report was the benchmark for the formulation of wage policy in India. The committee not only set guidelines for wage rates in the country but also laid down three kinds of wages namely Min wage, Fair Wage & living Wage.
  1. Minimum wage: This is the type of wage provided for bare subsistence so that the workers can maintain a decent standard of living such as providing for education, medical requirements and an adequate level of comfort.
  2. Fair wage: Any wage paid to the employees that are more than the minimum wage is known as a fair wage. It is the wage that seeks to maintain a level of employment in the industry and also looks after the industry’s capacity to pay sufficient remuneration to the employees.
  3. Living wage:A living wage not only meets the minimum requirement of the employees provided by the employers but also allows individuals or families to afford adequate shelter, food, and other necessities. It also includes health, sanity, education, dignity, comfort, and provide for any contingency.
It came into force on 15th March 1948.The act is administered by the Central Government and the State Governments.


To provide minimum wages
To stop exploitation
To empower the government for fixing & revising minimum wages
To provide appointment of Advisory Committee and boards.
To apply this law to the majority in organized sector.

Applicability of the Act

The Act applies to the whole India. It applies in those sectors which employs 1000 employees in respective sector. It does not apply on the employees who are governed under Central government or the federal railways, except with the consent of the Central Government.

Appropriate Government

Schedule Employment under Min Wages Act 1948.

The act applies to all scheduled employments, which are a list of industries and occupations that are considered to be low-paying and/or have a high risk of exploitation. The list of scheduled employment is revised periodically by the Appropriate Government.

PartI: Non -Agricultural

PartII: Agricultural

  • 1. woollen carpet making or shawl weaving establishment
  • 2. Rice Mill, Flour Mill or Dal Mill
  • 3. Tobacco (including Bidi making) manufactory
  • 4. any estate which is maintained for the purpose of growing Cinchona, Rubber, Tea or Coffee.
  • 5. Oil Mill
  • 6. Employement undar any Local Authority
  • 7. Lac Manufacturing
  • 8. Mica Manufacturing
  • 9. Public Motor Transport
  • 10. Construction or Maintenance of Roads or in building
  • 11. Stone breaking and Stone Crushing
  • 12. Tanneries and Leather Manufactory
  • 1. Any form of farming, including the >cultivation and tillage of the soil.
  • 2. Dairy farming,
  • 3. The Production, Cultivation, Growing and Harvesting of any Agricultural or Horticultural Commodity,
  • 4. The raising of Live-Stock, Bees or Poultry, and any practice performed by a farmer or on a farm as incidental to or in conjunction with farm operations
  • 5. Including any forestry or timbering operations and the preparation for market and delivery to storage or to market or to carriage for transportation to market of farm produce.
Note: Over the time period many other Employment has been added in the Part 1 List.

Who Are Eligible

Permanent employees
Contract employees
Casual workers


Minimum wages consist of

Basic + Dearness Allowance + House Rent Allowance

Every 5 years, basic rates of every industry are decided by the Minimum Wages Committee. Dearness Allowance changes every six months and is decided by the Government.

Variable Dearness Allowance

The Indian government decided in 1988 to link wages to the rise in prices of goods and services, so that workers would not lose out on purchasing power due to inflation. This led to the introduction of the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) in 1991.
The VDA is a part of wages that is paid to workers to compensate them for the rise in prices. It is revised twice a year, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). As of today, 26 union territories (UTs) and states in India have provisions for VDA.

Procedure for Fixing And revising min Wages.

To fix min wages in scheduled employment or revise min wages, appropriate government can choose any one method under sec 5 of Min Wages act.

Fixing of minimum rate of wages

The minimum wage rates are fixed by the Appropriate Governments, in consultation with advisory boards. The minimum wage rates are fixed on the basis of the cost of living and other factors. An employment specified in the Schedule, or any process or branch of work forming part of such employment.
  1. Minimum Time Rate – minimum wage paid to a worker for a specified period of work. It is often expressed as a fixed amount per hour, day, or other defined time unit and is the lowest remuneration that an employer can legally pay to an employee for the time worked to ensure fair compensation for their labor. It serves as the baseline pay to protect the interests of workers.
  2. Min Piece Rate – it stipulates the lowest amount an employer must pay per unit of work or production, ensuring workers receive a fair wage for each task or piece they complete.
  3. Guaranteed Time Rate -It sets a minimum hourly wage an employer must pay, irrespective of the actual time worked, providing job security for workers.
  4. Over Time Rate – It specifies the additional wage rate that employees must receive for work performed beyond the regular working hours, typically at a higher hourly rate than the standard wage.
  5. Appropriate Government Shall fix minimum rates of wages for an employment specified in Part I or Part II of Schedule & added by notification in official gazette.
  6. It May fix rates for a part of the state or for any specific class or classes instead of fixing minimum rate of wages for whole state.
  7. It Shall review and revise at intervals not exceeding 5 years the minimum rates of wages. the appropriate Government may refrain from review/fixing minimum rates of wages in respect of any scheduled employment in which there are in the whole State less than 1000 employees engaged in such employment.

Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for Category or Wage period.

Different Category of Employees

  • Unskilled labor is the lowest level of skill, and it typically involves tasks that are repetitive and do not require a lot of training or experience. Examples of unskilled labor jobs include construction workers, farmhands, and factory workers.
  • Semi-skilled labor requires more skill than unskilled labor, but it typically does not require a lot of formal education or training. Examples of semi-skilled labor jobs include machine operators, truck drivers, and customer service representatives.
  • Skilled labor requires a high level of skill and training, and it typically involves tasks that are complex and require a lot of experience. Examples of skilled labor jobs include electricians, plumbers, and carpenters.
  • Highly skilled labor requires the highest level of skill and training, and it typically involves tasks that are very complex and require a lot of experience and expertise. Examples of highly skilled labor jobs include doctors, lawyers, and engineers.

Advisory Board

The appropriate Government shall appoint an Advisory Board for the purpose of coordinating the work of committees and subcommittees, advising the appropriate Government generally in the matter of fixing and revising minimum rates of wages.

Composition of Advisory Board

Both Advisory Board Shall Consist of
Independent Persons to be nominated by the Appropriate Government.
One Independent person shall be appointed as the Chairman by the Appropriate Government.
Representing employers and employees from scheduled employment who shall be equal in number.

Regional Committees

Each state government in India can set its own minimum wages. This can lead to differences in minimum wages between neighboring states, which can sometimes cause problems. To reduce these problems, the central government has created five regional committees to help make minimum wages more similar across India.


Areas covered


West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.


Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim


Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Lakshadweep.


Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Chandigarh


Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu


Normal Working Hours and Over time

Daily 9 hours with 1 Hours Rest Interval
48 Hours in a week
If worked for more than 48 hours in a week then, the excess hours worked will be treated as Overtime and rate will be twice of the normal wage rate.
Compensatory Holiday if work on holiday

Appointment of Inspector

The act also provides for the appointment of inspectors to enforce the provisions of the act. The inspectors can inspect workplaces and records to ensure that workers are being paid the minimum wage.
Assistant Commissioners of Labour,
Deputy Commissioners of Labour,
Assistant Labour Officers and belong to the rank of Inspectors under the Minimum Wages Act.

Key aspects of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948:

The act sets the minimum wages that must be paid to workers in schedule employment.
The act applies to all scheduled employments, which are a list of industries and occupations that are considered to be low-paying and/or have a high risk of exploitation.
Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for different category or different wage period.
The minimum wage rates are fixed by the Central Government and the State Governments, in consultation with committees & advisory boards.
Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for different category or different wage period.
The act also provides for the appointment of inspectors to enforce the provisions of the act.


The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is a landmark legislation that has played a significant role in protecting the rights of low-wage workers in India. The Act sets minimum wage rates for certain industries and occupations, and it also provides for the review and revision of these rates at regular intervals.
It has also helped to reduce exploitation and ensure that workers are paid a fair wage for their work.
However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure that the Act is fully effective. One challenge is that the minimum wage rates are not always set at a level that is sufficient to meet the basic needs of workers and their families. Another challenge is that the Act is not always enforced effectively, and some employers may try to evade their obligations by paying workers less than the minimum wage.
Despite these challenges, the Minimum Wages Act remains an important tool for protecting the rights of low-wage workers in India. The Act has made a significant contribution to reducing poverty and improving the living standards of millions of workers.
Category for Agriculture Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled – 0-5 years of service ₹384.62 ₹0.00 ₹384.62 ₹10,000.00
Unskilled – 5 to 10 years of service ₹423.08 ₹0.00 ₹423.08 ₹11,000.00
Unskilled – 10 to 15 years of service ₹461.54 ₹0.00 ₹461.54 ₹12,000.00
Unskilled – 15 to 20 years of service ₹500.00 ₹0.00 ₹500.00 ₹13,000.00
Unskilled – Above 20 years of service ₹615.38 ₹0.00 ₹615.38 ₹16,000.00
Skilled – 0-5 years of service ₹423.08 ₹0.00 ₹423.08 ₹11,000.00
Skilled – 5 to 10 years of service ₹461.54 ₹0.00 ₹461.54 ₹12,000.00
Skilled – 10 to 15 years of service ₹500.00 ₹0.00 ₹500.00 ₹13,000.00
Skilled – 15 to 20 years of service ₹538.46 ₹0.00 ₹538.46 ₹14,000.00
Skilled – Above 20 years of service ₹653.85 ₹0.00 ₹653.85 ₹17,000.00
Category for Agriculture Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
South Andaman/ N&M Andaman – Unskilled (peon etc) ₹538.00 ₹0.00 ₹538.00 ₹13,988.00
South Andaman/ N&M Andaman – Semi-skilled (Assistant etc) ₹595.00 ₹0.00 ₹595.00 ₹15,470.00
South Andaman/ N&M Andaman – Skilled (Clerk etc) ₹680.00 ₹0.00 ₹680.00 ₹17,680.00
South Andaman/ N&M Andaman – Highly skilled (Manager etc) ₹738.00 ₹0.00 ₹738.00 ₹19,188.00
Nicobar – Unskilled     (peon etc) ₹538.00 ₹0.00 ₹538.00 ₹13,988.00
Nicobar – Semi-skilled (Assistant etc) ₹595.00 ₹0.00 ₹595.00 ₹15,470.00
Nicobar – Skilled(Clerk etc) ₹680.00 ₹0.00 ₹680.00 ₹17,680.00
Nicobar – Highly skilled (Manager etc) ₹738.00 ₹0.00 ₹738.00 ₹19,188.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Highly skilled ₹694.61 ₹0.00 ₹694.61 ₹18,059.86
Skilled/clerical ₹540.27 ₹0.00 ₹540.27 ₹14,047.02
Semi-skilled/unskilled supervisory ₹432.20 ₹0.00 ₹432.20 ₹11,237.20
Unskilled ₹371.87 ₹0.00 ₹371.87 ₹9,668.62
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Highly skilled ₹694.61 ₹0.00 ₹694.61 ₹18,059.86
Skilled/clerical ₹540.27 ₹0.00 ₹540.27 ₹14,047.02
Semi-skilled/unskilled supervisory ₹432.20 ₹0.00 ₹432.20 ₹11,237.20
Unskilled ₹371.87 ₹0.00 ₹371.87 ₹9,668.62
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled (Manual Work) ₹486.00 ₹0.00 ₹586.00 ₹12,636.00
Semi-skilled I (10th Passed) ₹495.00 ₹0.00 ₹495.00 ₹12,870.00
Semi-skilled II (12th Passed) ₹491.00 ₹0.00 ₹491.00 ₹12,766.00
Skilled I (Certificate Holder) ₹511.00 ₹0.00 ₹511.00 ₹13,286.00
Skilled II (Diploma holder) ₹503.00 ₹0.00 ₹503.00 ₹13,078.00
Highly skilled (Graduate) ₹527.00 ₹0.00 ₹527.00 ₹13,702.00
Class (Staff) I ₹516.00 ₹0.00 ₹516.00 ₹13,416.00
Class (Staff) II ₹502.00 ₹0.00 ₹502.00 ₹13,052.00
Class (Staff) III ₹496.00 ₹0.00 ₹496.00 ₹12,896.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Zone A – Unskilled ₹320.00 ₹88.46 ₹408.46 ₹10,619.96
Zone A – Semi-skilled ₹345.00 ₹88.46 ₹433.46 ₹11,269.96
Zone A – Skilled ₹375.00 ₹88.46 ₹463.46 ₹12,049.96
Zone A – Highly skilled ₹405.00 ₹88.46 ₹493.46 ₹12,829.96
Zone B – Unskilled ₹310.00 ₹88.46 ₹398.46 ₹10,359.96
Zone B – Semi-skilled ₹335.00 ₹88.46 ₹423.46 ₹11,009.96
Zone B – Skilled ₹365.00 ₹88.46 ₹453.46 ₹11,789.96
Zone B – Highly skilled ₹395.00 ₹88.46 ₹483.46 ₹12,569.96
Zone C – Unskilled ₹300.00 ₹88.46 ₹388.46 ₹10,099.96
Zone C – Semi-skilled ₹325.00 ₹88.46 ₹413.46 ₹10,749.96
Zone C – Skilled ₹355.00 ₹88.46 ₹443.46 ₹11,529.96
Zone C – Highly skilled ₹385.00 ₹88.46 ₹473.46 ₹12,309.96
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Un-Skilled ₹441.00 ₹0.00 ₹441.00 ₹11,466.00
Semi-Skilled ₹452.00 ₹0.00 ₹452.00 ₹11,752.00
Skilled ₹462.00 ₹0.00 ₹462.00 ₹12,012.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Un-Skilled ₹441.00 ₹0.00 ₹441.00 ₹11,466.00
Semi-Skilled ₹452.00 ₹0.00 ₹452.00 ₹11,752.00
Skilled ₹462.00 ₹0.00 ₹462.00 ₹12,012.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Un-Skilled ₹17,234.00 ₹260.00 ₹673.00 ₹17,494.00
Semi-Skilled ₹18,993.00 ₹286.00 ₹742.00 ₹19,279.00
Skilled ₹20,903.00 ₹312.00 ₹816.00 ₹21,215.00
Clerical and supervisory staff – Non Matriculate ₹18,993.00 ₹286.00 ₹742.00 ₹19,279.00
Clerical and supervisory staff – Matriculate but not Graduate ₹20,903.00 ₹312.00 ₹816.00 ₹21,215.00
Clerical and supervisory staff – Graduate and above ₹22,744.00 ₹338.00 ₹888.00 ₹23,082.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Zone I – Unskilled ₹441.00 ₹21.00 ₹473.00 ₹12,298.00
Zone I – Semi-skilled ₹452.00 ₹21.00 ₹483.00 ₹12,012.00
Zone I – Skilled ₹462.00 ₹21.00 ₹495.00 ₹12,558.00
Zone II – Unskilled ₹452.00 ₹21.00 ₹462.00 ₹12,298.00
Zone II – Semi-skilled ₹462.00 ₹21.00 ₹473.00 ₹12,870.00
Zone II – Skilled ₹474.00 ₹21.00 ₹483.00 ₹12,558.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹281.61 ₹128.44 ₹410.05 ₹10,661.28
Semi Skilled Class A ₹295.67 ₹134.88 ₹430.55 ₹11,194.30
Semi-Skilled Class B ₹310.48 ₹141.60 ₹452.08 ₹11,754.00
Skilled Class A ₹326.00 ₹148.68 ₹474.68 ₹12,341.71
Skilled Class B ₹342.30 ₹156.12 ₹498.42 ₹12,958.81
Highly Skilled ₹359.41 ₹163.93 ₹523.34 ₹13,606.75
Clerical & General Staff (Below Matriculation) ₹295.69 ₹134.86 ₹430.55 ₹11,194.30
Clerical & General Staff (Matriculation but not Graduate) ₹310.48 ₹141.60 ₹452.08 ₹11,754.00
Clerical & General Staff (Graduate or Above) ₹326.00 ₹148.68 ₹474.68 ₹12,341.71
Clerical & General Staff (Steno Typist) ₹310.48 ₹141.60 ₹452.08 ₹11,754.00
Clerical & General Staff (Junior Scale Stenographer) ₹326.00 ₹148.68 ₹474.68 ₹12,341.71
Clerical & General Staff (Senior Scale Stenographer) ₹342.30 ₹156.12 ₹498.42 ₹12,958.81
Clerical & General Staff (Personal Assistant) ₹359.41 ₹163.93 ₹523.34 ₹13,606.75
Clerical & General Staff (Private Secretary) ₹376.38 ₹173.12 ₹549.50 ₹14,287.09
Data Entry Operator ₹326.00 ₹148.68 ₹474.68 ₹12,341.71
Driver (Light Vehicle) ₹342.30 ₹156.12 ₹498.42 ₹12,958.81
Driver (Heavy Vehicle) ₹359.41 ₹163.93 ₹523.34 ₹13,606.75
Security Guard (Without Weapon) ₹295.69 ₹134.86 ₹430.55 ₹11,194.30
Security Guard (With Weapon) ₹342.30 ₹156.12 ₹498.42 ₹12,958.81
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹311.00 ₹0.00 ₹311.00 ₹8,086.00
Semi-Skilled (Declassified Vide SRO 460) ₹400.00 ₹0.00 ₹400.00 ₹10,400.00
Skilled ₹483.00 ₹0.00 ₹483.00 ₹12,558.00
Highly Skilled ₹552.00 ₹0.00 ₹552.00 ₹14,352.00
Administrative/Ministerial/Accounts Staff ₹449.00 ₹0.00 ₹449.00 ₹11,674.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹274.81 ₹77.57 ₹352.38 ₹9,162.11
Semi-skilled ₹287.90 ₹81.27 ₹369.17 ₹9,598.52
Skilled/Clerical ₹379.51 ₹107.13 ₹486.64 ₹12,652.78
Highly Skilled ₹438.39 ₹123.75 ₹562.14 ₹14,615.83
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹293.00 ₹124.80 ₹417.80 ₹10,862.80
Semi-Skilled | Unskilled supervisory ₹324.00 ₹124.80 ₹448.80 ₹11,668.80
Skilled | Clerical ₹381.00 ₹124.80 ₹505.80 ₹13,150.80
Highly Skilled ₹392.00 ₹124.80 ₹516.80 ₹13,436.80
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹250.00 ₹127.88 ₹378.00 ₹9,825.00
Semi-Skilled ₹271.42 ₹139.42 ₹411.00 ₹10,682.00
Skilled ₹324.42 ₹139.42 ₹464.00 ₹12,060.00
Highly Skilled ₹374.42 ₹139.42 ₹514.00 ₹13,360.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Month Special Allowance (VDA) Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled (Zone I) ₹10,021.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹488.42 ₹12,699.00
Unskilled (Zone II) ₹9,425.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹465.50 ₹12,103.00
Unskilled (Zone III) ₹8,828.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹442.54 ₹11,506.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone I) ₹10,856.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹520.54 ₹13,534.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone I) ₹10,856.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹520.54 ₹13,534.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone II) ₹10,260.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹497.62 ₹12,938.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone III) ₹9,664.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹474.69 ₹12,342.00
Skilled (Zone I) ₹11,632.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹550.38 ₹14,310.00
Skilled (Zone II) ₹11,036.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹527.46 ₹13,714.00
Skilled (Zone III) ₹10,440.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹504.54 ₹13,118.00
Security Guard – Security Services ₹13,266.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹613.23 ₹15,944.00
Head Guard – Security Services ₹13,366.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹617.08 ₹16,044.00
Security Supervisor – Security Services ₹13,866.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹636.31 ₹16,544.00
Assistant Security Officer – Security Services ₹14,366.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹655.54 ₹17,044.00
Security Officer – Security Services ₹14,866.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹674.77 ₹17,544.00
Chief Security Officer – Security Services ₹15,266.00 ₹2,678.00 ₹690.15 ₹17,944.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹300.00 ₹81.00 ₹381.00 ₹9,906.00
Semi-Skilled ₹340.00 ₹92.00 ₹432.00 ₹11,232.00
Skilled ₹380.00 ₹103.00 ₹483.00 ₹12,558.00
Highly Skilled ₹420.00 ₹114.00 ₹534.00 ₹13,884.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled (Shop & Esteblishment) ₹165.77 ₹0.00 ₹165.77 ₹4,310.00
Semi-skilled | Unskilled Supervisory (Shop & Esteblishment) ₹181.88 ₹0.00 ₹181.88 ₹4,729.00
Skilled Grade II (Shop & Esteblishment) ₹203.38 ₹0.00 ₹203.38 ₹5,288.00
Unskilled (Casual / Muster Roll Employees) ₹420.00 ₹0.00 ₹420.00 ₹10,920.00
Semi-Skilled (Casual / Muster Roll Employees) ₹460.00 ₹0.00 ₹460.00 ₹11,960.00
Skilled Grade-II (Casual / Muster Roll Employees) ₹570.00 ₹0.00 ₹570.00 ₹14,820.00
Skilled Grade-I (Casual / Muster Roll Employees) ₹730.00 ₹0.00 ₹730.00 ₹18,980.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹352.00 ₹0.00 ₹352.00 ₹9,152.00
Semi-skilled ₹392.00 ₹0.00 ₹392.00 ₹10,192.00
Skilled/Clerical ₹442.00 ₹0.00 ₹442.00 ₹11,492.00
Highly Skilled ₹502.00 ₹0.00 ₹502.00 ₹13,052.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹412.95 ₹0.00 ₹412.95 ₹10,736.70
Semi-skilled ₹442.95 ₹0.00 ₹442.95 ₹11,516.70
Skilled/Clerical ₹477.45 ₹0.00 ₹477.45 ₹12,413.70
Highly Skilled ₹517.14 ₹0.00 ₹517.14 ₹13,445.64
Staff – Category A ₹611.79 ₹0.00 ₹611.79 ₹15,906.54
Staff – Category B ₹547.56 ₹0.00 ₹547.56 ₹14,236.56
Staff – Category C ₹489.87 ₹0.00 ₹489.87 ₹12,736.62
Staff – Category D ₹443.72 ₹0.00 ₹443.72 ₹11,536.72
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹285.00 ₹0.00 ₹285.00 ₹7,410.00
Semi-skilled ₹297.00 ₹0.00 ₹297.00 ₹7,722.00
Skilled ₹309.00 ₹0.00 ₹309.00 ₹8,034.00
Highly Skilled ₹395.00 ₹0.00 ₹395.00 ₹9,334.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled ₹5,750.00 ₹4,525.00 ₹395.19 ₹10,275.00
Semi-skilled ₹6,325.00 ₹4,978.00 ₹434.73 ₹11,303.00
Skilled ₹7,085.00 ₹5,576.00 ₹486.96 ₹12,661.00
Class of Employment Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled (Zone A) ₹376.00 ₹0.00 ₹376.00 ₹9,784.00
Unskilled (Zone B) ₹343.00 ₹0.00 ₹343.00 ₹8,930.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone A) ₹414.00 ₹0.00 ₹414.00 ₹10,763.00
Semi-Skilled (Zone B) ₹378.00 ₹0.00 ₹378.00 ₹9,821.00
Skilled (Zone A) ₹455.00 ₹0.00 ₹455.00 ₹11,840.00
Skilled (Zone B) ₹416.00 ₹0.00 ₹416.00 ₹10,804.00
Highly Skilled (Zone A) ₹501.00 ₹0.00 ₹501.00 ₹13,023.00
Highly Skilled (Zone B) ₹457.00 ₹0.00 ₹457.00 ₹11,886.00
Unskilled – Security Service (Zone A) ₹376.00 ₹0.00 ₹376.00 ₹9,781.00
Unskilled – Security Service (Zone B) ₹343.00 ₹0.00 ₹343.00 ₹8,928.00
Semi-Skilled – Security Service (Zone A) ₹414.00 ₹0.00 ₹414.00 ₹10,759.00
Semi-Skilled – Security Service (Zone B) ₹378.00 ₹0.00 ₹378.00 ₹9,820.00
Skilled – Security Service (Zone A) ₹455.00 ₹0.00 ₹455.00 ₹11,836.00
Skilled – Security Service (Zone B) ₹415.00 ₹0.00 ₹415.00 ₹10,802.00
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